Sunday, January 17, 2010


With the hectic pace of life, it becomes more important to rejuvenate your body, mind and soul every day. But finding the time and a convenient way to do this may seem like a luxury beyond your reach.

Ease mental stress, bathe away physical fatigue, relax tense muscles and boost energy levels, while you cleanse and rejuvenate your skin.

After having an ultrasonic bubble massage bath, get into the “The Gift of Sweat” FIR Cabin

Why use “The Gift of Sweat” FIR Cabin?

“The Gift of Sweat” FIR Cabin allows you to experience the gift of sweat in a relaxed environment.

The Solaris FIR carbon fiber heating technology generates far infrared. When absorbed by the body, resonant absorption causes the water in our cells to vibrate. This occurs when the frequency of the far infrared matches the frequency of the water in the cell. The vibration causes the toxins in the cell to be dropped off into the blood stream and excreted in sweat, feces and urine. Additionally, metabolism increases, resulting in break down of fatty tissue (which is the depository of toxins) to use the energy stored there. Through this process, toxins held by the fatty tissue get dumped into the bloodstream, broken down by the liver and removed through sweating. All of this is done in The Gift of Sweat FIR cabin at a comfortable temperature of 35°~65° C and induces up to 3 times the sweat volume of a traditional sauna.

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